Buy and sell characters in control panel
Published by: n0n4m3, June 8, 2015, 2:13 PM
Starting from today, our players can officially buy and sell characters without any risk in the control panel of logon/mop.We decided to refuse from our old system, that took characters that were inactive during some months to the auction where you could buy them. We also haven't been using this system during last year, because that's not fair to the players who had no possibility to stay active. Now, we turned this auction off and replaced it with more functional improved trade system.
Criteria of the new character buy-sell system:
- You can sell only a character of maximum level (BC - 70, WotLK - 80, Cataclysm - 85, MoP - 90).
- There must be no gold in the inventory.
- Your character must not be a guild member.
- Time, played by a character must be not less than 10 days.
- All equipment slots (weapon, set) must be filled with actual for characters level items (not less than blue).
- Minimal sell price is 900 bonuses + 10% commission of the system. If you want to sell your character for 900 bonuses, it will be sold for 990(you get 900 and the system gets 90).
- Maximum price is 3500 bonuses.
Important to know:
- If you don't see new sections in the control panel - wipe your browser cache or use another one (Google Chrome for example).
- If your character doesn't match one of the criteria - the system will inform you.
- If you want to return your character from the trade system you just find him in the list of characters and buy it. No bonuses will be taken from you. If your character is on sale you can't play it, because the system takes him to 0 account.
- Character is sent to that account, from which you buy it.
- There is a limit for every account - 10 characters. Be sure that you have not more than 9.
- Criteria can be changed during the work of the system, some new criteria can be added.
- The process of buying/selling is automatic and instant.
With such strict criteria we exclude all possible manipulations and trade in other services through this system, we give a possibility to sell only qualitative characters with at least basic equipment.
In every realm section there will be a section where players will leave some information about selling their characters or look for the needed character, while ingame spamming about selling/buying characters is forbidden, you will be muted for several hours and than banned if you spam again.
Use only our control panel and forum for selling or buying a character.