Updatepack 31 - Cataclysm
Published by: n0n4m3, November 7, 2016, 11:01 AM
We want to introduce you the main fixes, done in logon 4.3.4 core in the period from 30.07.16 till 04.11.16.Status: applied to logon.
- Implemented improved system of mob text, localization and gossips, filled missing data.
- Transferred all anticheat fixes and optimization from wotlk.
- Auction is now cross-faction, also transferred its optimization and fixes from wotlk.
- Fixed a bug with corpses in the air.
- Fixed commands and reactions buttons on pet control panel.
- Fixed a bug, that caused inability to complete achievements like "Kill X mobs during X seconds".
- Removed worgen and goblin racial spells from other races, could be saved after race switch.
- Pet, temporary removed because a players flies up, will now appear after dismounting not when he lands.
- Fixed an exploit, that allowed to get pet out of "stuck" stance by "Moveto".
- Fixed 12 reasons of sever crash.
Instances and raids:
Dragon Soul:
- Warmaster Blackhorn:
* Reworked Deck Skyfire.
- Spine of Deathwing:
* Fixed timer of http://cata.openwow.com/?npc=53889.
- Madness of Deathwing:
* Now http://cata.openwow.com/?npc=57479 has immune to cast slowing effects.
* http://cata.openwow.com/spell=106400 now ignores effects protecting from death.
* http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=106400 now can not miss.
* Now http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=106400 cast is interrupted if the target is a rogue, who used http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=11327.
- Ragnaros:
* http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=100250 is now a debuff, not a buff.
* Fixed melee attack damage of a boss.
End Time:
- Echo of Tyrande:
* Fixed a bug, when after pre-event ending the boss starter fight even if players did not come to aggro distance.
* Fixed a bug, when http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=102414 could not work under some circumstances.
* Now http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=102151 is not affected by diminishing.
- Murozond:
* Now the boss does not start the fight even if the players are in aggro zone.
Hour of Twilight:
- Fixed aggressive invisible trigger.
Utgarde Pinnacle:
- Svala Sorrowgrave:
* Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=48276.
* Fixed localization.
* Removed static mobs and objects, summoned by spells from combat place.
* Fixed viewers escape.
- Gortok Palehoof:
* Bosses stay still after activation, they do not follow players.
* Added localization and speech.
- Skadi the Ruthless:
* Fixed a bug with momental kill of a boss by a harpoon.
* Players can now only shoot when a boss is in range of a harpoon not always during the 1st phase.
* Fixed text and localization.
* After landing, boss does not stand still, he follows players.
* Fixed visual bugs like "stuck" dragon in harpoon shooting range, "floating" of boss after landing.
- King Ymiron:
* Removed odd NPCs, that must be summoned by spells.
* Added localization.
* Fixed random spawn of spirits of gods.
* Spirits of gods now fly over boats, they do not fall under.
* Implemented boat fire, after death of a spirit.
* Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=48386.
* Now boss uses correct spells at heroic mode.
Halls of Stone:
- Tribunal of the Ages:
* Now spawned mobs attack Brann Bronzebeard.
* Fixed Tribunal Chest.
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom:
- Jedoga Shadowseeker:
* Now boss correctly floats in the air on each phase.
- Yogg-Saron:
* Implemented summon of Keepers during battle with boss.
Instances and raids, others:
- Now much creatures in old instances and raids use correct spells in heroic mode.
Quest, NPC, achievements scripts:
- Implemented Bielara Ivyshroud NPC.
- Fixed achievements: http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=5305, http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=5304 in Throne of the Four Winds.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=4849 achievement in Blackwing Descent.
- Fixed a portal from Hatchery of Firelands in Hyjal, to The Flamewake.
- Fixed talent reset at Death Knight trainer http://cata.openwow.com/?npc=29194.
- Implemented http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=1428 achievement.
- Fixed beer sellers http://cata.openwow.com/?npc=27817 / http://cata.openwow.com/?npc=27489 in Orgrimmar.
- Implemented http://cata.openwow.com/?npc=44395 transformation into worgen at night.
- Fixed forge in Naros armory in Orgrimmar.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=1872 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2040 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2038 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=4524 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=1868 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2154 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2152 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2157 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=1873 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2156 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=396 achievement.
- Visual fixes in Tanaris: seagulls now fly correct, removed some trash from the air.
- Implemented http://cata.openwow.com/?npc=14508 NPC script, now he personally announces Gurubashi Challenge, comes from tribune and spawns a chest.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2057 achievement.
- Fixed reward for http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=5892 guild achievement for Horde.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2037 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2043 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2056 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2153 achievement.
- Now during http://cata.openwow.com/?quest=13188 quest Death Knights will not have to wait for resurrection of a king if he was killed by other faction.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2041 achievement.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=3181 achievement.
- Fixed "Fire Brigade Practice" quests in all locations.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=4539 and http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=4618 achievements.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2148 and http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2149 achievements.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=2156 achievement.
- Fixed an exploit with chat spam by http://cata.openwow.com/?item=64383.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=38320.
- Implemented correct work of http://cata.openwow.com/?item=58488.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?item=50359 and http://cata.openwow.com/?item=50366 can now have critical effect.
- Implemented http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=8067 effect for http://cata.openwow.com/?item=6522 item.
- Implemented http://cata.openwow.com/?item=32542.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=38301, now a player who spawned it dances next to the box, not inside of it.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=41146 enchant item.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=10716.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=70722, now also increases spirit stat of nearby characters.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=46887.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=9154.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=38050.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=4384.
- Fixed: http://cata.openwow.com/?item=6452, http://cata.openwow.com/?item=6453, http://cata.openwow.com/?item=19440.
- Implemented pets: http://cata.openwow.com/?item=45022 and http://cata.openwow.com/?item=44998.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=24289.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?item=45022 and http://cata.openwow.com/?item=44998 now do not hang faction champion flags on everyone.
- Fixed proc conditions for http://cata.openwow.com/?item=52760, now proc only from battle spells.
- Fixed proc chance of http://cata.openwow.com/?itemset=1087 set bonus.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?item=65460, now is binded to an account.
Cross server Arena/BG:
- Isle of Conquest:
* Fixed level and health amount for bosses at 85 level.
* Fixed damage of melee attacks of bosses.
* Fixed cast of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=68506 by bosses.
* Now bosses use http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=66776 if they leave their room.
* Fixed damage from http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=68506 and http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=67280 for 85 level.
* Fixed timers of bosses spells.
* Packs of http://cata.openwow.com/?item=46847 and http://cata.openwow.com/?item=47030 now disappear for 10 second after getting a bomb.
* Implemented siege damage change depending on Refinery and Quarry possession.
* Fixed capture message localization.
* Now after start of a battle bosses follow players over all their fort.
* Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=3848 and http://cata.openwow.com/?achievement=3849 achievements.
- Alterac Valley:
* Fixed damage of melee attacks of bosses and their adds.
* Fixed BG messages localization.
- Fixed localization of a message about arena/bg battle start.
- Fixed system of players teleport to starter position, if a player left it before the beginning of BG with some bugs/cheats.
- Fixed an exploit with MMR.
Spells and talents:
Death Knight:
- Fixed a bug with runes cooldown.
- Haste now affects runes cooldown.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=55666.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=81338.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=49028, in PvP attacks enemy without delay.
- Runes now get a cooldown if http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=71489 misses.
- Now http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=19236 can not have critical effect.
- Implemented saving pet panel for http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=34433.
- Now http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=66 does not work when the mage is under control.
- Fixed damage of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=12846.
- Buff from http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=44549 now resets after cast of spells in tooltip, not after hitting the target.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=11094.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=12357 now does not proc from periodic damage.
- Mage copies from http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=55342 now does not attack target under control and correctly copy mages weapon.
- Fixed a bug with http://cata.openwow.com/?item=42751, now if you remove glyph, http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=34913 will not give critical effect.
- Fixed damage of Mirror Image, that is summoned by 2 parts of http://cata.openwow.com/?itemset=1007 set.
- Now http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=82676 does not work if mage is under the effect of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=33786 of a druid.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=44457 is not renewed on a target after cast of a http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=2136 and proc of a http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=12357.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=54277 talent now resets a charge after cast of spells in tooltip, not after hitting the target.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=71165 talent now resets a charge after cast of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=29722, not after hitting the target.
- Fixed proc of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=74434 and http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=88448 at the same time.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=93399 buff is now correctly removed after cast of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=78674, not after hitting the target.
- Fixed mechanics of Eclipse Energy gain.
- Decreased working time of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=78675.
- Now getting into http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=24858 and back removes slowing effects.
- If http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=93399 talent procs during http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=78674 cast, buff of momental cast will not be removed.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=16864 buff is now removed after cast of a spell, not after hitting the target.
- Players on mounts now do not fall down under the effect of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=50516.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=49376 now does not let into combat.
- Fixed influence of mastery on http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=81262.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=56343 now procs after cast of http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=53301, not after hitting the target.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=19577 now has same diminishing with spells that have stun effect.
- Player does not leave combat if his pet attacks another player.
- Fixed periodic heal amount from http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=93466.
- Fixed double bonus for http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=85673 from http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=85102.
- Fixed a bug with http://cata.openwow.com/?item=43869, now if the glyph is removed mastery bonus will disappear.
- Implemented saving pet panel for http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=51533.
- http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=1784 is now removed if a player absorbs straight damage.
Spells and talents, others:
- Fixed abuse of tanks mastery http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=76691.
- Fixed a bug, when a player with fly aura could keep flying in draenei locations after teleporting there.
- Fixed http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=818, now also increases spirit of nearby players.
- Fixed enchant recipe http://cata.openwow.com/?spell=67839.
- Auras, that influence targets that are situated in definite area, will not work if aura owner is dead.
* The date of the latest update and the current online can be learned in the game by typing ".server info" command, actual update is 04.11.16.